
Basic Kitchen Scale

There’s a reason cakes call for measurement of ingredients in grams and it’s because accuracy and consistency is key! A reliable digital kitchen scale is the quickest and frankly the only way to achieve that. Many scales are cheap and flimsy. GreaterGoods is a American company who specialised in digital homewares. Their newest scales features a premium stainless steel surface that’s easy to clean and looks great!

Brand: Greater Goods Price: $17.99

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Greater Goods also produce a state-of-the-art set of scales with in-built Nutrition data to provide you instant Nutrition Facts based on what you’re weighing (using a specific food-code) and the weight of your ingredients. Something we’re a big advocate of if you’re on a path of learning more about what nutrients make up your favorite fruits, veg, meat, grains and legumes. You’ll find it in the Epicurean Ninja cart.